I am Prathibha Sithumini an IT undergraduate student in SLIIT.
As an undergraduate student passionate about technology, dedicated to learning and exploring diverse facets of software development.
With a keen interest in mobile app development, I've honed my skills in Java, Kotlin and Android Studio, crafting intuitive applications such as an expense
management tool using Firebase.
I'm excited to share my journey and contribute my skills to you with my portfolio. Let's connect and explore opportunities together!
Friendly at Work
Good Communication
Problem Solving
Git Hub Linkedin Dribbble Figma FiverImplemented diverse coding projects, demonstrating proficiency in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MernStack, Java, Kotlin etc. to develop functional and innovative solutions for various real-world challenges.
Executed diverse graphic design projects, showcasing creativity and expertise in visual communication to deliver impactful and captivating designs across various mediums.
Within these years I have achieved more skills and experiences in both university and workplace
2023 January
2023 August
Completed in 2019
Completed in 2019
Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
React JS
Home Page for business website design with html and CSS. Used basic UI/UX concepts for design. Design based on a prototype. Used hovering effects for links and buttons and content two business cards. Design was responsive, compatible with different browsers and optimized for mobile. Tested for usability and accessibility.
Wireframes designs for onboarding page for online food ordering platform for restaurants and manufactures delivery mobile app design. The design includes a Login Page, Registration Page and five clear call-to-action pages. The design is modern, eye-catching, and engaging. The app is responsive and optimized for mobile devices. The design is based on a user requirements. The design is fully functional in prototype.
3D animated shopping card for a perfume website. Include a blur effect background and color changing buttons when hovering. Cards are adjustable for screens like desktop and mobile. The cards responsive and optimized for mobile devices. Animations are smooth, with realistic lighting and shadows. Cards are include call to action and link to product detail page.
Simple Digital Clock Design web page. This project content neon effect clock includes both light mode and dark mode. Fully functional and complete with real-time time update The clock was designed to be easy to look and use. It is fully responsive and works on most webpages. It can be customized with different color options.
Simple front-end project for a lovers city. Main page design for the shop using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project includes a navigation bar, a hero image, and a content section with the shop's main thoughts. The design is be modern, eye-catching and includes animation in the site.
Simple front-end project for a dessert shop. Main page design for the shop using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project includes a navigation bar, a hero image, and a content section with the shop's main thoughts. The design is be modern, eye-catching and engaging. The website is responsive.
Re- Designed website design for Thailand flower website named "Siam Florists". The redesigned page makes it easier and more intuitive for customers to use the website. It includes improved navigation, clear product images, and the option to add special notes. Customers can now use the site with more confident and comfortably.
MERN Stack project for Online Pet Channeling and Online Pet Accessories shop. The project is fill with channel patients and appointment admin management control system and there will be designed to generate automated reports and provide real-time updates to clients.
This Project is a android mobile application design for find travelers places to visit in sri lanka and also accommodations available in nearest hotel. A traveler can create an account, view review posts add reviews, search places etc. In the other hand a hotel owner also can create an account and promote their hotel availability. And Traveler can calculate their experiences by using the calculator in the app.
This mobile application develops for register vehicles for pay the fine through the online. Specially designs for the Corona pandemic situation. This full with the CRUD operation and login and registration option. People can pay fine after create account and fill the data.
App Designed for share educational notes and materials through the application. This is a Kotlin based application specially designs to help the students in pandemic situation. Used Kotlin as the main language to build the application and Firebase for store the data which includes login data and soft copies of the uploaded documents.
Fully functional dynamic webpage enrich with both user and admin control. This is a e-commerce web page designed for sell fashion items includes cloths, shoes, cosmetics, jewelries etc. This site includes admin control panel for backend controls. This site is full with the CRUD operations and also includes search function, report generation and order controlling system.